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Quiz on Last Month's Words

Here are the words that were featured last month:







For each of the eight examples below, select a word from the above list that best fits the blank. Then check your answers at the end. Note that the correct answer could be any of the word forms that were featured - example: metastasize, metastasizes, metastasizing, and so on.

  1. While watching a high-profile trial on television during which the defendant sheds many a tear, the obvious question that arises in the minds of viewers: Is this show of remorse ........ or sincere?
  2. Thanks to the ........ of news that is generated each day, even the most sensational headline has a shelf life of just a few hours.
  3. Bill gives you a ride home sometimes, correct? Tell me, does he still throw up his hands ........ every time the freeway traffic slows to a halt?
  4. Jim's concern for always looking neat and well-dressed has ........ into an obsession of late. For instance, he goes into the men's restroom every 15 or 20 minutes to straighten his tie and to make sure every hair is in its proper place.
  5. Among the men and women whose every public utterance makes news because they've become global ........: Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Tiger Woods, Kim Kardashian, and Serena Williams.
  6. While showing his nature photographs to a visitor, this author said: "Here is one of my favorites, from December 1979-- an isolated, ........ tree standing in the middle of a vast, barren stretch of West Texas."
  7. We have a fairly large population of very old people in our subdivision, many of whom cannot drive and some who have also lost their life partners. So, as a ........ measure, we have begun to organize weekly social events for residents who are aged.
  8. Between you and me, the Toronto district office is the only one that consistently fails to communicate their monthly and quarterly sales forecasts by the deadline. I am just fed up with their excuses and ........ explanations.



1. histrionic    2. infinitude    3. histrionically    4. metastasized

5. cynosures    6. disconsolate    7. palliative    8. palliating


Give yourself one point for each correct answer.

A score of 8 = excellent; 7 = very good; 6 = not bad; 5 or less = you may want to revisit last month's edition.

Please let me know by e-mail or phone (281-463-2500) what you think about this quiz and how it can be improved.

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No part of this may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.