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Quiz on Last Month's Words

September / October 2016                               Volume 17  No. 5

Here are the words that were featured last month:







For each of the eight examples below, select a word from the above list that best fits the blank. Then check your answers at the end. Note that the correct answer could be any of the word forms that were featured -- example: atrophy, atrophied, atrophying, and so on.

  1. When we realized that the attendance for the guest speaker was likely to be pretty anemic, many of us went over to the cafeteria and literally . . . . . . employees into leaving their half-eaten meals and come to the auditorium.
  2. A . . . . . . social question that has arisen in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks is this: How do we go about identifying potential terrorists at airports and other public places without engaging in blatant racial profiling?
  3. Oh, there's Sid--. . . . . . dressed as always, in a three-piece suit, gold cufflinks, and what have you, when no one else here is wearing so much as a tie. He looks such a misfit in that attire.
  4. One small business, at the other end of this office park, has . . . . . . named itself "The Graphic Design Center of North America."
  5. I don't expect our company to turn around unless and until we have new leadership. The present management is pretty much . . . . . . and has run out of ideas.
  6. This picture of Muhammad Ali standing over the fallen Sonny Liston during their 1965 bout is widely regarded as one of the . . . . . . images of 20th century sports.
  7. When contacting one of our branch offices, if I just have a quick question, I'll simply pick up the phone. But in the case of Kristen, I prefer using text or email. Even a simple conversation with her becomes so . . . . . .--she'll ask dozens of unrelated questions in return. It can be exasperating.
  8. No, I'm not interested in the position of club president. I just don't have the time for something so demanding, so please don't even try . . . . . . me into accepting it because you'll be wasting your time.



1. dragooned    2. searing    3. grandiloquently    4. grandiloquently

5. atrophied    6. totemic    7. protracted    8. dragooning


Give yourself one point for each correct answer.

A score of 8 = excellent; 7 = very good; 6 = not bad; 5 or less = you may want to revisit these words.

Please let me know by e-mail or phone (281-463-2500) what you think about this quiz and how it can be improved.

© 2017 V.J. Singal
No part of this may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.