Doctrinal    (pronounced dok-truh-nl) adjective


of, relating to, or concerned with, doctrine.

DOCTRINE   (pronounced dok-trin)  =   1. a principle or belief (or a set of principles, beliefs, or teachings) advocated by a religion, political party, a professional association, or other group.   2. a rule or principle of law, especially when established by past actions, decrees, or statements.   3. an official statement of government policy, especially in international affairs.

Main Example

  • Which way is the Supreme Court likely to rule on the campaign finance law? It's all in the hands of the traditional swing vote, Sandra Day O'Connor, say legal experts, because four of the other justices seem to doctrinally favor restrictions while the remaining four seem to lean against any such limits. Of the nine justices, O'Connor is regarded by analysts as being the least doctrinal because, in their opinion, she most often votes based purely on the facts of a case.

    Workplace Examples

  • It appears the new CEO is not going to aggressively push for greater decision making at lower levels. He doesn't have the same level of doctrinal thinking on the issue as did his predecessor.

    Emphasize Your Point in Just Three Sentences.

  • Just like everyone else, I wasn't pleased when those two federal courts blocked the "do not call" registry because I, too, hate telemarketing calls. But you must admit, the courts' arguments contained some doctrinal merit. After all, these district court judges aren't total idiots as one of the talking heads on Fox or CNN self-righteously tried to imply the other night.

    Other Examples

  • your commenting to a colleague: "She and I have a different point of view on just about everything--abortion rights; affirmative action; Iraq . . . you name it. So we have these doctrinal, yet friendly arguments all the time."

  • on being asked if the Pentagon accurately depicted the situation in Iraq as something other than war, Gen. John Abizaid, the new head of the U.S. Central Command, saying: "The Baathists are conducting a classical guerrilla-type campaign against us. Yes, it is a low intensity conflict in our doctrinal terms, but it is war however you describe it."

  • the recent election of a gay Episcopalian bishop creating deep resentment among some of that church's parishes in Africa because they are more doctrinally conservative

  • President Bush's doctrinal statement that the U.S. will make preemptive strikes against any nation deemed to be a threat to our security creating a stir abroad

    © 2003 V.J. Singal

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