Prodigious    (pronounced pruh-dij-us) adjective


1. extremely impressive in size, quantity, extent, or force; enormous.  2. extraordinary; amazing.

Main Example

  • Leni Riefienstahl, the German filmmaker and photographer who died last month at the age of 102, was prodigiously talented. For instance, the camera angles and other filming techniques she pioneered while making documentaries promoting Adolf Hitler during the 1930s are employed by Hollywood cinematographers even today!

    Workplace Examples

  • Jonathan will do very well in that job. He is a prodigious worker -- willing and able to handle any assignment, no matter how demanding.

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  • Sure, many significant acts of terrorism against the U.S. occurred during the 1980s and '90s, but the reason why Sept. 11 changed our world was the prodigious scale of the attacks on that day.

    Other Examples

  • someone's prodigious effort, output or energy

  • a job being highly coveted because of its prodigious perks and bonuses; somebody who is prodigiously knowledgeable on a subject

  • the ability of Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton to raise money prodigiously

  • most first-time visitors to the Grand Canyon describing the view as the most prodigious sight they have ever seen in their lives

    © 2003 V.J. Singal

    This Month's Other Words


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