Ossified    (pronounced os-uh-fyd) adjective


adjective from the verb ossify.

OSSIFY   (pronounced os-uh-fy)  =  1. change into bone or become bony; to harden into bony substance.   2. to settle into a rigidly conventional form or style and become resistant to change; to become inflexible in one's habits, tenets, attitude, etc.; rigidify.

Other Forms

Ossification   (pronounced os-uh-fih-kay-shun) noun

Main Example

  • In spite of persistent efforts by American and European leaders, peace between Israel and the Palestinians seems as remote as ever. Why so? Because, say analysts, the leadership on both sides is badly ossified and has consistently failed to come up with solutions that are bold and imaginative.

    Workplace Examples

  • With our company having grown into a multi-billion dollar corporation, we now run the risk of ossification setting in . . . losing our entrepreneurial spirit. So, it is imperative that we start infusing our ranks with new blood on a regular basis.

  • The remarkable thing about Cora, our manager, is that she is always open to new ideas and also brings several ideas of her own to the table. What a contrast from her predecessor who was pretty much sterile and ossified!

    Other Examples

  • an 85-year-old business owner, asked to share his secret of successful leadership, saying: "Self-renewal is the key! And keep updating your perspective so that your thinking doesn't begin to stagnate and ossify. One sure way to accomplish this is to constantly meet new people from different age groups and backgrounds."

  • discontent and disillusionment being widespread in several Asian and African nations--ones that had gained independence decades ago amid much hope and promise-- thanks to ruling party leaders ossifying into corrupt politicians

  • in its recent report, the Columbia Investigation Board placing some of the blame for the space shuttle disaster on the shuttle program management, saying it had become ossified and much too bureaucratic and was, therefore, slow to respond to new information

    © 2003 V.J. Singal

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