Insouciant    (pronounced in-soo-see-unt) adjective


characterized by lighthearted or blithe unconcern; nonchalant; carefree; indifferent.

Other Forms

Insouciance   (pronounced in-soo-see-uns) noun

Main Example

  • Thanks to the previous commanders' indifference and inaction, sexual assaults on female cadets had become a part of the culture at the Air Force Academy, says a congressional panel looking into the 142 such attacks that reportedly took place over the past ten years. Harshly critical of Generals Dallager and Gilbert III, and Col. Slavec, the panel has urged that these three former leaders be held accountable for their insouciance and incompetence in this matter.

    Workplace Examples

  • At a time when all of us fear for our jobs because of the company's travails, for Chap to start looking for a big new house and SUV amazes me. While some may view his behavior as bold and courageous, I see it is a sign of insouciance.

    Learn to Disarm and Neutralize your Critics and Detractors.

  • Liz is going to be extremely upset when you tell her that she is not yet ready for a promotion. So, when breaking the news, be careful not to give an impression of being insouciant about her disappointment, otherwise she might even quit.

    Other Examples

  • as the time arrives to pay the check at a restaurant, your commenting: "Despite all of our hints about the poor service, this waiter was so unconcerned and insouciant, I really don't feel like leaving any tip!"

  • somebody's utter insouciance about how he or she comes across when dealing with clients or customers

  • a defendant, in spite of facing a possible death sentence, looking insouciant throughout the trial; some teenagers' driving habits reflecting the insouciance of youth

  • members of Argentina's former military dictatorship, accustomed to speaking insouciantly on TV about how they kidnapped and killed "(so-and-so) leftist rebel," now becoming tight-lipped because that nation's new president wants to start investigating the thousands of political killings that occurred during 1976-83

    © 2003 V.J. Singal

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